On Friday night, President Trumpwent to Alabama to campaign for aRepublican Senate candidate. Although I don't rememberthe candidate's name or anything about him because,instead, Trump decided to attack the NFL. Today, if you hit too hard,right, if they hit too hard, 15 yards!Throw him out of the game. They had that last week. I watched fora couple of minutes. And two guys, just really,beautiful tackle. Boom! 15 yards. The referee gets on television, his wife is sitting at home;she's so proud of him. They're ruining the game. (laughter) Like, forget being president, what kind of a human beingwants more brain damage? Like, how can one personbe on the wrong side of everything in history? I'm just waiting.
Like... (cheers and applause) I'm just... I'm just waitingfor Trump to be, like, (mimics Trump): "What's with allthese seat belts, folks? "I remember a time when peopleweren't afraid "to go through the windshieldhead first. "Head first, dust yourself off, shake hands and do it again." (cheers and applause) (normal voice):What are you talking about? And also, and also,who is Donald Trump to say that footballis too soft? Really? You play golf, a sportwhere the biggest danger us when you aren't even playing. That? That? But Trump'scomments on tackling, they-they barely registeredin the news, because all of Trump's speeches are basically likegas station bathrooms. Right? You can only really complainabout one thing at a time. You know? It's like, "Yeah, I know the sink's broken,but I'm more concerned "about the dead body inthe stall next to mine. That's, that's my issue." And for most people,the most outrageous thing was what the presidentsaid next. You see those peopletaking the knee when they're playing ourgreat national anthem. (audience reacts) Wouldn't you love to seeone of these NFL owners, when somebody disrespectsour flag, to say get that son of a bitchoff the field right now? Out. He's fired. He's fired! I like...I like how he remembered it was his catchphraseonly after he'd said it. (imitates Trump):
"He's fired.Oh, wait-- he's fired!" So, all right, so justso we're on the same page, when Nazis were protestingin Charlottesville, Trump said, "Some of thesewere very fine people, "very fine people,And aren't we all Nazis, really? Aren't we all, huh?In some way, huh?" But then, when black footballplayers protest peacefully by taking a kneeduring the anthem, he calls them sons of bitcheswho should be fired? Now, look, I don't know ifTrump is racist, but I do know he definitely preferswhite people to black people. I can say that with confidence.With confidence. (cheering, applause) And also, and also, ifDonald Trump's greatest concern is the disrespectingof the American flag, you know what shouldreally piss him off? The Confederate flag,that's what should piss him off. 'Cause that's basically wavinga picture of your ex around. That's what that is. That flag is disrespec... It's like-it's likewaving a picture of your ex. And your girlfriend's like,"Hey. Hey, that's really disrespectful to me."And you're like, "Oh, no, this hasnothing to do with you.
"I'm just honoring my heritage. And also I'm building a monumentof Susan on the front lawn." So, on the one hand,you have sons of bitches, on the other hand, you have the president of the UnitedStates saying a private citizen should be firedfor expressing an opinion that the president doesn't like, which soundsvery dictatory to me. All right? Because when Trumptells the NFL owners "You should fire these players,"if they don't fire the players, they're basically going againstthe president, right? And if the players take a knee, now they're goingagainst the president. But you realizeuntil this weekend, the knee had nothingto do with the president. Nothing at all to do with Trump. At all.
Colin Kaepernick... ColinKaepernick started kneeling back when Obama was in office. This had nothingto do with Donald Trump. And luckily,to the NFL's credit, they stood upto the bully in chief. REPORTER: The president versus the players. Hundreds of athletes sending a message to President Trump. REPORTER 2: From coast to coast, even in London, players sending that message to the president from the football field, linking arms like Patriots quarterback Tom Brady, hundreds kneeling, some raising fists. REPORTER 3: The majority of Steelers players choosing to stay in the locker room until after the anthem was over. Some singers even showing their solidarity, taking a knee along with players. REPORTER 4:
Many owners taking the field, throwing their support behind their teams. Owners from eight teams, during the anthem, side by side with their players. O-Okay, wait, hold up. Who, uh... Who the hellis that with the mustache? I... I didn't know you couldmake enough money in vaudeville to buy a football team.That's, uh... That's a lot of money. But it was important...it was important that the weekend's protests includednot just the NFL players, but the owners, too. 'Cause when you thinkabout how powerful this is, a lot of these ownerssupported Donald Trump. Yeah. So you know it hurtshis Horcrux to see them taking the players' sidein this standoff. You know it got to him. It also makes for the world'seasiest Where's Waldo?, right? Just try and figure out whopays the other people to play. Who-who do you think... who do you think is not playing?Who's paying? So after America'smost popular sport turned on the commander in chief,uh, he did what any insane person would do in thissituation-- he doubled down. When you get on your kneeand you don't respect the American flag or the anthem, that's not being treatedwith respect. This has nothing to dowith race. I've never said anythingabout race.
This has nothing to do with raceor anything else. This has to do with respectfor our country and respect for our flag. I think it's very disrespectfulto our country. Oh. First of all, nicely played. -(applause)-Nicely played. Uh, but let's work throughwhat President Trump just said.
These players aren't tryingto disrespect the country. Let's start with that. They'retrying to peacefully protest police treatment ofblack people in America, right? If they wanted to disrespectthe country, they wouldn't kneel silently. They would do crazy things, like insult Gold Star families or make fun of POWslike John McCain or say that America is morallyequivalent to Putin's Russia. That's the kind of (bleep)they would do if they were tryingto disrespect the country. (cheering and applause) Like, did you know... did you knowthat Colin Kaepernick used to sit on the benchduring the anthem? That's what he used to do, siton the bench during the anthem, until a former NFL player whois also a veteran, Nate Boyer, told Kaepernick, "Look, man, there's a better wayto do this." We sort of cameto a middle ground, where he would take a kneealongside his teammates. Soldiers take a knee in frontof a fallen brother's grave, you know, to show respect. He said,"I think that would be... I think... I thinkthat would be really powerful." Yeah. So you see there,Kaepernick changed his protest to take a knee,because, clearly, he does respect the troops. And, still, President Trumpcalled him out in a way that he never did to the Nazisin Charlottesville. So, in my opinion, this haseverything to do with race. And if you say it doesn't, I-I just think it's verydisrespectful to the country.